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I have been using EEGLAB for some time for preprocessing and analysing EEG data from mobile headsets, I would now like to make use of the Matlab Compiler to produce a standalone executable of my preprocessing script. I have been compiling and installing a program,
attempting to run it and finding which functions or variables are missing, then looking through the EEGLAB files to see what needs included. I am currently having difficulty ensuring all the dependencies for eeg_checkset() are covered, below is the error output
when I try to load a .set file. The only mention of the undefined options variables I can find within EEGLAB are
<i>functions/adminfunc/eeg_options.m</i>, <i>functions/adminfunc/eeg_optionsbackup.m</i> and
<i>functions/adminfunc/eeglab_options.m</i>, all of which I have included in the compilation process. This script does run correctly if I use my general Matlab/EEGLAB install, so I'm wondering if anyone has made use of the Matlab Compiler with EEGLAB scripts
before or has some insight into some other dependencies I would need to include?<br>
Setting up environment variables<br>
LD_LIBRARY_PATH is .:/usr/local/MATLAB/MATLAB_Runtime/v901/runtime/glnxa64:/usr/local/MATLAB/MATLAB_Runtime/v901/bin/glnxa64:/usr/local/MATLAB/MATLAB_Runtime/v901/sys/os/glnxa64:/usr/local/MATLAB/MATLAB_Runtime/v901/sys/opengl/lib/glnxa64<br>
Cannot find option file /home/ben/.mcrCache9.0.1/eeg_optionsbackup.txt<br>
Cannot find option file /home/ben/.mcrCache9.0.1/eeg_options.txt<br>
ans =<br>
Undefined function or variable 'option_savetwofiles'.<br>
Warning: could not access the local eeg_options file<br>
pop_loadset(): loading file 20160523160254_NT01-ENO-1-3_NTPrePro.set ...<br>
Cannot find option file /home/ben/.mcrCache9.0.1/eeg_optionsbackup.txt<br>
Cannot find option file /home/ben/.mcrCache9.0.1/eeg_options.txt<br>
ans =<br>
Undefined function or variable 'option_savetwofiles'.<br>
Warning: could not access the local eeg_options file<br>
WARNING: EEGLAB ran out of memory while converting dataset to single precision.<br>
Save dataset (preferably saving data to a separate file; see File > Memory options).<br>
Then reload it.<br>
Undefined function or variable 'option_scaleicarms'.<br>
Error in eeg_checkset (line 963)<br>
Error in pop_loadset (line 192)<br>
Error in pipeline3Compiler (line 27)<br>