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<p><strong>Experimental Neuropsychology Unit,<br>
Department of Psychology, Saarland University<br>
(to start October 1st, 2018)</strong><br>
Applications are invited for a faculty position in human neurocognitive research at the Department of Psychology, Saarland University, Germany. The successful applicant will have the opportunity to play an important role in one of the research areas of the Experimental Neuropsychology Unit (Memory, Language, Cognitive Control). Both national and international applicants are encouraged to apply for this position. Teaching obligations in the B.Sc and M.Sc. programs in Psychology will include two courses per semester. The position is a three years fixed term contract, with the option to extend the contract for additional three years.<br>
Essential skills include a thorough theoretical knowledge of ERP/EEG and/or fMRI brain imaging techniques and experience in the respective data analysis techniques including multivariate statistics. The successful applicant has good organizational abilities, very good English and basic German language skills, the ability and motivation to mentor graduate and undergraduate students and a strong background in neurocognitive research. The position is well suited for someone who is scientifically interested in memory, its interface with other cognitive processes (e.g. language and attention) and its neural underpinnings.<br>
The Department of Psychology will be the main research and teaching environment. The Department is equipped with four high density EEG laboratories, several behavioral testing chambers, and multimodal stimulus presentation software and has access to MR facilities (3T MR scanner) and state-of-the-art brain imaging software.<br>
Work contract and salary will accord to the respective collective agreement, i.e. TV-L. Saarland University aims to increase the number of women in this field. Therefore, women are encouraged to apply for this position. Physically handicapped persons will be preferred in case equally qualified.<br>
<strong>Please refer to reference W1385 in your application. Closing date is July 30th, 2018.</strong> Applications should be preferably sent by email to Prof Dr. Axel Mecklinger (mecklinger@mx.uni-saarland.de) as one pdf file (with a cover letter, CV, list of publications and specification of one to two reference persons).<br></p>
<div>Gerrit Höltje, M.Sc.<br>
PhD Student<br>
Experimental Neuropsychology Unit<br>
International Research Training Group "Adaptive Minds"<br>
Saarland University<br>
Campus Building A2.4, Room 2.21.1<br>
66123 Saarbrücken<br>
Phone: (+49) 681 - 302 64365<br>
e-Mail: <a href="mailto:gerrit.hoeltje@uni-saarland.de">gerrit.hoeltje@uni-saarland.de</a><br>
<a href="http://www.adaptiveminds.de" target="_blank">www.adaptiveminds.de</a></div>