FMRLAB functions

FMRLAB_model_selectestimation of model number contained in the observed fMRI data.
axcopymove, resize, or copy Matlab axes using the mouse
binicaRun stand-alone binary version of runica() from the Matlab command line. Saves time and memory. If stored in a file, data are not read into Matlab.
boldimageimage event_related fMRI optionally sorted on and/or aligned to an input variable and smoothed by moving-average
cb_keydowncallback function for mousemoving
cbarDisplay full or partial colorbar, choose numeric range
check_image_uiperform the hi/lo byte swap if necessary with a graphic user interface; check also if it is necessary to flip the images
clean_up_databack-projection with artifactual component removed according to the field of FMRI.rejcomp, and export the cleaned data in ANALYZE data format for the further analysis using other software (with graphic user interface
clear_fmri_globalclear FMRI data structure from the current working environment.
clear_workspaceclear current workspace by closing all windows (except main window) opened by 'fmrlab'
comp_freq_respmaking BOLD-image like plot to show frequency response of either ROA+ raw mean time course or back-projected component time course of each component. This function can help to cluster the components in freq. domain.
comp_wcorrCalculating the correlation coeffieicnts between components listed in the selected component list per the entire or selected portion of time courses.
compactnessevaluate compactness of component ROA map by using pair distance measurement (pdist() provided by matlab.
copyaxishelper function for axcopy See: axcopy