FMRLAB Tutorial
v 2.0

©Jeng-Ren Duann & Scott Makeig, 2002
Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience
Institute for Neural Computation
University of California San Diego

7. Appendix - FMRLAB Function List

7.1 Main files:

File name Description
fmrlab.m main function of FMRLAB toolbox
licenese.txt GNU License
boldimage.m image the intertrial dynamics of BOLD signal
clear_fmri_global.m clear FMRI data structure from the working environment
clear_workspace.m clean up the workspace by closing all the opened windows by FMRLAB
dilation.mperform dilation on input image (used in extract_brain_ui())
erosion.mperform erosion on input image (used in extract_brain_ui())
execute_ica.mexecute ICA with GUI for users to specify ICA parameters
export_result.mexport region of activity (ROA) maps to Analyze format for further visualization
extract_brain_by_edit.mset threshold for removing off-brain voxels by key in value in edit box
extract_brain_ui.mGUI to remove the off-brain voxels
extract_brain_ui2.mcallback function of extract_brain_ui.m
extract_brain_ui4.mcallback function of extract_brain_ui.m
fmri_bpfilter.mperform ideal high/band/low-pass filtering on fMRI time courses
get_status.mget current status of FMRI data structure
ica_linuxbinary version of ICA
fmrlab_color.mspecify the colormap used to display the functional ROAs
fmrlab_inputslg.mFMRLAB input dialog
fmrlab_messagedlg.mFMRLAB message dialog
fmrlab_normalize.mspatially normalize ICA ROA maps to standard brain space.
fmrlab_questdlg.mFMRLAB question dialog
fmrlab_render.m3D rendering of ICA ROA maps on 3D standard brain template provided by SPM'99
label_brain_area.mextract the coordinates of active brain areas.
load_dataset.mload FMRI data structure saved in *.fmr file into the working space.
make_blobs.mread spatially normalized ICA ROA maps and convert them to the data structure used in 3D rendering
map_on_fmri.mcomponent browser by overlaying ICA ROA maps onto 2D slices of functional images with interactive GUI
map_on_struc.mcomponent browser by overlaying ICA ROA maps onto 2D slices of structural images with interactive GUI
modify_param.mmodufy necessary parameters for data analysis and visualization
modify_struc_info.mmodify information of structural images
mousemoving.mgeneral function to trace mouse move and return the mose location and pressed button when mouse button pressed
mpgwrite.mwrite fMRI movie to a mpeg file
mutual_information.mcalculate mutual information between two input matrix using bin number cube root of the length of input matrices
progressbar.mprogress bar
pvafmap_ui.mdisplay PVAF map with graphic user interface
pvaf_vs_thre.mcalculate PVAF at different z-threshold
read_analyze_hdr.mread header file of Analyze image
read_structure.mread structural images according to the specified information
remove_dummy.mremove dummy scans from fMRI time dataset
reselect_fmri.mselect new fMRI dataset with the same parameters
rm_slice.mremove noisy slice(s) prior to the data analysis
roamap_ui.mdisplay ROA maps with graphic user interface
roaproj_ui.mROA back-projection to find the back-projected ICA time courses and mean time course of the ROA voxels and calculate the PVAF for a specified component.
roatc_ui.mfind the mean time course of the ROA voxels.
run_fmrlab.measy version to setup FMRLAB environment.
save_dataset.msave FMRI data structure in a single data file (*.fmr)
set_fmri_global.mconstruct FMRI data structure as a global variable in current working space for further analysis
set_fmri_global_ui.mGUI version of set_fmri_global()
set_struc_info.mset structure image information into FMRI data structure.
show_2d.mcall show_actslice() and display normalized ICA ROA mapsonto normalized 2D structural image of individual subjects or SPM'99 template in a slice-by-slice manner.
show_3d.mdisplay normalized ICA ROA maps onto the rendered 3D brain template provided by SPM'99
show_actslice.moverlay the normalized ICA ROA maps onto the normalized structural images (could be of individual subject or SPM'99 template T1.img).
show_mip.mdisplay normalized ICA ROA maps on top of SPM'99 glass brain template
show_parameters.mshow parameters of image acquisition and analysis in main window
slice_timing.madjust image inhomogeniety due to different acquisition timing for each slice.
slice_timing_ui.mgraphic user interface for slice_timing()
slice_timing_ui1.mcallback function of slice_timing_ui()
slice_timing_ui2.mcallback function of slice_timing_ui()
slice_timing_ui4.mcallback function of slice_timing_ui()
slice_timing_ui.matsettings for slice_timing_ui()
spatial_smooth.mperform spatial smoothing on fMRI image slices with 3 by 3 averaging mask
temporal_smooth.mperform temporal smoothing on fMRI time courses with 3 time-point moving average
tightsubplot.mcompact version of subplot()

7.2 Functions from ICA toolbox

File name Description
binica.mMatlab function to interface stand alone binary version ICA (executable by C)
binica.scscript file to keep initial values for ICA training
cbar.mshowing color bar
eegfilt.m(high|band|low)-pass filter fMRI time courses using two-way least-square FIR filter (Signal Processing Toolbox needed if use this function)
floatread.mread floating-point binary data from a file
floatwrite.mwrite floating-point binary data into a specified file
rmbase.mremove baseline from input matrix
sbplot.mcreate axes in arbitrary subplot grid positions and sizes
textsc.mprint text at the specified location in Matlab figure

7.3 Functions from the SPM'99 toolbox

File name Description
mip.mattemplate file for maximal intensity projection (MIP) display
render_single_subj.mat3D rendered brain template from single subject to render the resultant ICA ROA maps
render_smooth_average.mat3D rendered brain template from averaged brain to render the resultant ICA ROA maps.
render_spm96.mat3D rendered brain template (from SPM'96) to render the resultant ICA ROA maps
spm_affsub3.mhighest level subroutine involved in affine transformations
spm_atranspa.mmultiply the transpose of a matric by itself - a compiled routine
spm_atranspa.mexlxmex file for spm_atranspa() under Linux
spm_chi2_plot.mdisplay a plot showing convergence of an optimization routine
spm_conv_vol.mconvolvs a memory mapped volume with a three dimensional separable function
spm_conv_vol.mexlxmex file for spm_conv_vol() under Linux
spm_create_image.mcreate an image file in Analyze format
spm_dctmtx.mcreate basis functions for Discrete Cosine Transform
spm_figure.msetup and callback functions for Graphics window in SPM
spm_get.muser interface for file selection
spm_get_space.mget or set the best guess for the space of the image
spm_global.mreturn the global mean for a memory mapped volume image
spm_global.mexlxmex file for spm_global() under Linux
spm_hread.mread a header of Analyze formatted image
spm_hwrite.mwrite a header of Analyze formatted image
spm_list_files.mlist files and directories
spm_list_files.mexlxmex file for spm_list_files() Under Linux
spm.mStatistical Parametric Map (startup function)
spm_matrix.mreturn an affine transformation matrix
spm_platform.mplatform specific configuration parameters for SPM
spm_project.mform maximum intensity projections (MIPs)
spm_project.mexlxmex file for spm_project() under Linux
spm_sample_vol.mreturn voxel values from a mempry mapped image
spm_sample_vol.mexlxmex file for spm_sample_vol() under Linux
spm_slice_vol.mreturn a slice through a memory mapped image
spm_slice_vol.mexlxmex file for spm_slice_vol() under Linux
spm_smooth.m3-dimensional convolution of na image
spm_str_manip.mmiscellaneous string manipulation options
spm_type.mtranslate data type specifiers between SPM & Matlab representation
spm_unlink.mroutine for silently deleting files on disk
spm_unlink.mexlxmex file for spm_unlink() under Linux
spm_vol_ecat7.mget header information etc. of ECAT7 images
spm_vol.mget header information etc. for images
spm_vol_minc.mget header information etc. of MINC images
spm_write_plane.mwrite a transverse plane of image data
spm_write_sn.mwrite normalized image into disk
T1.hdrheader file of SPM'99 T1 template images
T1.imgimage file of SPM'99 T1 template images

7.4 Function from the SPM'99 toolbox supplement

File name Description
slice_overlay.moverlay a functional map onto structural images in standard Talairach space.

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