File name | Description
fmrlab.m | main function of FMRLAB toolbox
licenese.txt | GNU License
boldimage.m | image the intertrial dynamics of BOLD signal
clear_fmri_global.m | clear FMRI data structure from the working environment
clear_workspace.m | clean up the workspace by closing all the opened windows by FMRLAB
dilation.m | perform dilation on input image (used in extract_brain_ui())
erosion.m | perform erosion on input image (used in extract_brain_ui())
execute_ica.m | execute ICA with GUI for users to specify ICA parameters
export_result.m | export region of activity (ROA) maps to Analyze format for further visualization
extract_brain_by_edit.m | set threshold for removing off-brain voxels by key in value in edit box
extract_brain_ui.m | GUI to remove the off-brain voxels
extract_brain_ui2.m | callback function of extract_brain_ui.m
extract_brain_ui4.m | callback function of extract_brain_ui.m
fmri_bpfilter.m | perform ideal high/band/low-pass filtering on fMRI time courses
get_status.m | get current status of FMRI data structure
ica_linux | binary version of ICA
fmrlab_color.m | specify the colormap used to display the functional ROAs
fmrlab_inputslg.m | FMRLAB input dialog
fmrlab_messagedlg.m | FMRLAB message dialog
fmrlab_normalize.m | spatially normalize ICA ROA maps to standard brain space.
fmrlab_questdlg.m | FMRLAB question dialog
fmrlab_render.m | 3D rendering of ICA ROA maps on 3D standard brain template provided by SPM'99
label_brain_area.m | extract the coordinates of active brain areas.
load_dataset.m | load FMRI data structure saved in *.fmr file into the working space.
make_blobs.m | read spatially normalized ICA ROA maps and convert them to the data structure used in 3D rendering
map_on_fmri.m | component browser by overlaying ICA ROA maps onto 2D slices of functional images with interactive GUI
map_on_struc.m | component browser by overlaying ICA ROA maps onto 2D slices of structural images with interactive GUI
modify_param.m | modufy necessary parameters for data analysis and visualization
modify_struc_info.m | modify information of structural images
mousemoving.m | general function to trace mouse move and return the mose location and pressed button when mouse button pressed
mpgwrite.m | write fMRI movie to a mpeg file
mutual_information.m | calculate mutual information between two input matrix using bin number cube root of the length of input matrices
progressbar.m | progress bar
pvafmap_ui.m | display PVAF map with graphic user interface
pvaf_vs_thre.m | calculate PVAF at different z-threshold
read_analyze_hdr.m | read header file of Analyze image
read_structure.m | read structural images according to the specified information
remove_dummy.m | remove dummy scans from fMRI time dataset
reselect_fmri.m | select new fMRI dataset with the same parameters
rm_slice.m | remove noisy slice(s) prior to the data analysis
roamap_ui.m | display ROA maps with graphic user interface
roaproj_ui.m | ROA back-projection to find the back-projected ICA time courses and mean time course of the ROA voxels and calculate the PVAF for a specified component.
roatc_ui.m | find the mean time course of the ROA voxels.
run_fmrlab.m | easy version to setup FMRLAB environment.
save_dataset.m | save FMRI data structure in a single data file (*.fmr)
set_fmri_global.m | construct FMRI data structure as a global variable in current working space for further analysis
set_fmri_global_ui.m | GUI version of set_fmri_global()
set_struc_info.m | set structure image information into FMRI data structure.
show_2d.m | call show_actslice() and display normalized ICA ROA mapsonto normalized 2D structural image of individual subjects or SPM'99 template in a slice-by-slice manner.
show_3d.m | display normalized ICA ROA maps onto the rendered 3D brain template provided by SPM'99
show_actslice.m | overlay the normalized ICA ROA maps onto the normalized structural images (could be of individual subject or SPM'99 template T1.img).
show_mip.m | display normalized ICA ROA maps on top of SPM'99 glass brain template
show_parameters.m | show parameters of image acquisition and analysis in main window
slice_timing.m | adjust image inhomogeniety due to different acquisition timing for each slice.
slice_timing_ui.m | graphic user interface for slice_timing()
slice_timing_ui1.m | callback function of slice_timing_ui()
slice_timing_ui2.m | callback function of slice_timing_ui()
slice_timing_ui4.m | callback function of slice_timing_ui()
slice_timing_ui.mat | settings for slice_timing_ui()
spatial_smooth.m | perform spatial smoothing on fMRI image slices with 3 by 3 averaging mask
temporal_smooth.m | perform temporal smoothing on fMRI time courses with 3 time-point moving average
tightsubplot.m | compact version of subplot()