[Eeglablist] Questions on function dipplot() and DIPFIT

Young yangl at spymac.com
Wed Dec 1 07:08:31 PST 2004

Dear eeglabers:

   I am currently using dipfit1.02 provided by eeglab4.51. But I have several questions as follows:

   Question 1: DIPFIT uses function dipplot() provided by eeglab itself to plot dipoles in a 3D view. And dipplot() has draw a Ellipsoid coordinates to approximate the Talariach coordinates. The question is which Talariach axis is each ellipsoid axis corresponds to.

   Question 2: How can I get a dipole Talariach Coordinates in eeglab?

   Question 3: Further on question 1. What is the transformation between the four-sphere head model (eeglab default settings) and the MNI coordinates?

   Can anyone help me?
   Best Regards. 

        yangl at spymac.com

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