[Eeglablist] EEG data in MP book format?

rranawee at purdue.edu rranawee at purdue.edu
Thu Dec 23 08:24:37 PST 2004

Hi everyone,

I am using eeglab for my Data analysis and it has proven to be very useful. I 
am also trying to incorporate Matching Persuits into my analysis. I have a 
couple of questions,

1. Does anyone have a matlab function which converts EEGlab EEG data format 
(in the vector form) into a MP book format or vice-versa?
I have a large number of multichannel epoched data and I would like to analyze 
them using MP. 

2. Is there a way in MP which I can compare two or more datasets for the 
rejection of the Null Hypothesis that the sets are simillar?

If anyone can help me with these issues, I will be most grateful to you. 

Thanks in advance

Ruwan Ranaweera
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Purdue University

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