[Eeglablist] loading Scan 4.3 files

Phillip M.Gilley pgilley at utdallas.edu
Mon Mar 7 07:09:22 PST 2005

Hello all,
I have a dataset recorded in Scan 4.3, using Synamps2 (64-channels).  I 
am having trouble importing the files into Eeglab.  The file types are 
*.eeg.  There are 2 problems:

1) When trying to use the pop_loadeeg() function, I get an error in 
Matlab that says "The file path last character must be a delimiter".  
Even after trying to correct the file path I still get this error, and 
haven't been able to load data using this function.

2) When using just the loadeeg() function alone, I am at least able to 
load the data. However, when I try to plot the averaged ERPs, they look 
nothing like the averages I see using the Scan software.  I think this 
might have to do with the 32-bit recordings in Scan 4.3.

Is there a way around these errors that I am missing?  Or, do I need to 
format the data differently before trying to import into Eeglab?  Any 
comments or insight would be most appreciated.

Phillip M. Gilley

Phillip M. Gilley
University of Texas at Dallas
School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences
Advanced Hearing Research Center
1966 Inwood Rd.
Dallas, TX 75235
(214) 905-3186
pgilley at utdallas.edu

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