[Eeglablist] having trouble etc, update

Maarten Mennes Maarten.Mennes at med.kuleuven.ac.be
Fri Mar 11 06:05:00 PST 2005

dear eeglablist moderator,

In the mean time I've discovered the solution for one of my problems. I 
seem to have forgotten a ; at the end of the command

as in

eegplot(EEG.data, 'srate', [1000], 'eloc_file', 'chanlocs20_summer.loc', 
'command', 'mm_reject_lp30c')

should actually be

eegplot(EEG.data, 'srate', [1000], 'eloc_file', 'chanlocs20_summer.loc', 
'command', 'mm_reject_lp30c;')

However, my question regarding the TMPREJ-matrix remains. Could you 
therefore post the message underneath as my question?

hi all,

I'm currently working on an automatization script for preprocessing our 
data (importing, filtering, cleaning etc).

Is there any possibility to acces the TMPREJ-matrix u get when using 
eegplot() before actually hitting the REJECT-button so that I can use 
this data in one of my own scripts?. I discovered that the "data-to-be-
rejected" are stored in the figure handle 'UserData.winrej'. However, 
I'm currently unalbe to acces the winrej matrix. How should I do this, 
or are there other possibilities to acces the "data-to-be-rejected"?

Can I use the same procedure to reject epochs?


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