[Eeglablist] Seeking co-author(s) for paper on semi-blind Source Separation

Marco Congedo marco.congedo at irisa.fr
Thu Apr 7 05:45:09 PDT 2005

Dear EEGlab members,

   I am looking for collaborators for submitting a paper on geometric
source separation. I deviced an algorithm that separates source with
ANY distribution, given that sensors and sources are located in space
according to a specific symmetric configuration, i.e., the algorithm
does not use statistical properties of the signal; instead it uses
geometry of sensors and sources.
The co-author(s) could help me sharpening the supportive arguments,
propose possible applications, find other algorithms for different spatial
configurations of sources and sensors and find proofs about the present

If seriously interested and have some time to spend on this project,
please contact me back-channel at marco.congedo at irisa.fr
possibly with a web-page reference where I can see what your expertise is.
Since I am new to this field, someone that already published in BSS/ICA is
particulalry welcome.

Thank you very much,

Marco Congedo

Marco Congedo, PhD
Campus de BeauLieu
35042 Rennes France
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