[Eeglablist] PCA option to runica

pickard at telusplanet.net pickard at telusplanet.net
Wed Apr 27 11:24:57 PDT 2005


As I do not have large number of trials, I opted to run the 'pca' option but 
have gotten slightly confused about the output.  I assumed that the output 
would be principal components; however, in chapter 1.9 of the tutorial, section 
1.9.2 (the topoplot above section 1.9.3), it shows "an independent 
component ... binica decomposition used PCA".  So, is the output principal 
components or independent components?  How is the output derived?  Sorry if 
this is a dumb question, my background is clinical/behavioural and I'm still 
trying to sort out PCA/ICA etc.  

Thanks for any info you can provide.

Patti Sorensen
PhD Candidate
University of Lethbridge

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