[Eeglablist] Timef Graphs

david schwartzman david03182 at hotmail.com
Tue Jul 19 06:18:36 PDT 2005

I have been looking at peak ERSP values and trying to identify them on the 
time frequency graphs and sometimes higher values have lower ERSP 
colouration than their value would imply. Could you please explain how this 
is possible?
I have also had problems with the scale of the timef graphs. Where does 
eeglab gain the info for the x axis scale from? For example when we asked 
for a time period longer than was available in the data file eeglab streched 
the graph to fit what we have asked for.
One more query, I have noticed differences in the timef graph depending on 
which version of eeglab was used to extract the epochs, what has changed 
between versions? I am currently using V4.154 and my old version was 4.4.

many thanks for your help

David Schwartzman
Oxford Brookes University

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