[Eeglablist] plotting average timewindows with pop topoplot

ps001zmb at gold.ac.uk ps001zmb at gold.ac.uk
Tue Jul 26 05:17:12 PDT 2005

Hi there,

I have a question regarding the scalp latencies that are plotted using the 
pop topoplot function in EEG Lab. As far as I understand, the function 
plots a scalp distribution at the particular latency you specify as a 
'snapshot' of activity at that particular data point in time.

What I want to do instead is to plot an average of data points within a 
particular time range - for example plot the average activity between 0-50 
ms, 51-100 ms, 101-150 ms etc. Is there an easy way of doing this using the 
pop topoplot function rather than having to average the data points before 
importing the data files into EEGLab?

Thanks very much for your help!

Zara Bergstrom

MPhil/PhD student

Goldsmiths College,
University of London

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