[Eeglablist] ploting 2 datasets in eegplot

Eszter Hoffmann hoffmann at alice.nc.huji.ac.il
Wed Sep 21 07:31:57 PDT 2005

Dear eeglab users,

Can I plot 2 signals, one on top the other, with different colors in the eegplot

I'm trying to clean some data in different ways. To get some basic intuition of
what the results are, I wanted to plot it on top of the original signal I had. I
tried to use eegplot(), but couldn't figure out how to plot 2 signals in the
same window. Is it possible? If not, do you have any other suggestions?

Thank you and best regards

Interdisciplinary Center for Neural Computation (ICNC)
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Edmond Safra Campus, Givat Ram
Jerusalem 91904, Israel
Email: hoffmann at alice.nc.huji.ac.il
Tel.: +972-2-6585151

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