[Eeglablist] whether or not subtracting baseline while calulating coherence

wu xiang rwfwu at ustc.edu
Mon Dec 12 05:46:57 PST 2005

hi all:

I wonder about that whether or not the baseline coherence should be
subtracted while calulating coherence.

For baseline may be different in different conditions and subjects, it
was subtracted during ERP analysis. Also, the spectra-power of baseline
was subtracted while calculating spectra-power, such as the
baseline-nomalized ERSP in EEGLAB. However, why the coherence of
baseline was not subtracted in most papers (I can not find a paper where
the coherence of baseline was subtracted)?

Would someone recommend some papers where the coherence of baseline was
subtracted to me for reference? (It's important to me)

Thanks very much

wu xiang
Cognitive neuroscience lab of life school of university of science and technology of china
Hefei, anhui, P.R.China. 230027
You can mail to: rwfwu at ustc.edu or rwfwuwx at gmail.com 

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