[Eeglablist] Importing epoched ascii data into eeglab?

Alexander Roth aroth at hs-heilbronn.de
Mon Jan 9 07:35:14 PST 2006

Hi everyone,

I have a dataset which was manipulated with Vision Analyzer. So the data
is already preprocessed (artefact rejection, rejection of incorrect
trials, baseline correction etc.). Because of the preprocessing the data
is now in epoched format. So I know that the stimulus onset is exactly
at 0 ms, the duration of one epoch is from -100 ms to 1000 ms, or 275
data points (275 Hz sampling frequency).
I imported the dataset into eeglab, but now I'm wondering how to tell
eeglab that the data is in epoched format and that the stimulus onset is
at every 275th timepoint.

Import was managed via following command line:


Thanks a lot in advance

Alexander Roth

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