[Eeglablist] shifting event markers in time

Dörte Spring doerte.kuhlicke at nat.uni-magdeburg.de
Tue Sep 19 19:43:14 PDT 2006

Hi folks,

I was wondering whether there is a possibility in eeglab to shift all 
event markers by 50 ms backwards in time? I'm concerned that the ERPs 
won't be right if I just create ERPs as usual and shift the revealed 
components by 50 ms in my head for better interpretation. Namely, the 
actual stimuli occurred 50 ms later then the event marker was sent out. 
I really think that the baseline and its removal would yield much better 
data/ERPs if I could include these 50 ms into the baseline as well and 
let the ERP start 50 ms later.

I'm open for any suggestions.

Many thanks,


Doerte K. Spring, Dipl.-Psych.
Visiting Scholar
NMSU - Las Cruces, NM

E-mail:  Doerte.Kuhlicke at Nat.Uni-Magdeburg.de 
Tel:     ++1 915 539 7312 

www: http://www.uni-magdeburg.de/ipsy/

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