[Eeglablist] How to recognize successful ICA (number of data points issue)

Jim Kroger jkroger at nmsu.edu
Sat Oct 21 21:37:43 PDT 2006

In the tutorial, as well as in discussion here, it's been pointed out that 
successful ICA requires sufficient data. The tutorial discusses that the 
factor: (number of data points)/(the number of channels)^2 should be >= 30 
for 32 channels, and greater for more channels. We often find that 15 
minute segments that fit well into EEGLAB/Matlab (given our RAM constraints 
and 128 channels, 1024 sampling) provide us with a factor of around 80 
before epoching, less after.  I suspect this is borderline, but don't know 
how to judge whether the resulting components are "good." What would "good" 
and "bad" components be like? Any commentary would be appreciated.


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