[Eeglablist] time/frequency wavelet data export?

arno arno at salk.edu
Thu Nov 16 12:44:57 PST 2006

Dear Rich,

sorry about the late response to your message. You can export the data 
to statistica by saving the timef() function output in an ASCII file. If 
you type "eegh" on the command line, you will get the EEGLAB history, 
and probably something like

figure; pop_timef( EEG, 1, 1, [-1000 2000] , [3 0.5]  ,'type', 
'phasecoher', 'topovec', 1, 'elocs', EEG.chanlocs, 'chaninfo', 
EEG.chaninfo, 'title','Channel FPz power','padratio', 1, 'plotphase','off');

You can edit this line of code to return output (we could ouput them by 
default but then we would clutter the Matlab environement with a number 
of useless variables. If you look at the help of the pop_timef() 
function, it tells you that it returns the same output as the timef() 
function, so you may type:

figure; [ersp itc powbase times freqs] = pop_timef( EEG, 1, 1, [-1000 
2000] , [3 0.5]  ,'type', 'phasecoher', 'topovec', 1, 'elocs', 
EEG.chanlocs, 'chaninfo', EEG.chaninfo, 'title','Channel FPz 
power','padratio', 1, 'plotphase','off');

See the function help for the description of these outputs. Then to 
export these values, you may type

save -ascii ersp.txt ersp
save -ascii itc.txt itc
save -ascii powbase.txt powbase % ERSP baseline power (already 
subtracted in the "ersp" array)
save -ascii times.txt times
save -ascii freqs.txt freqs

To have the frequencies in the first column of the ERSP array, and the 
time latencies in the first row, type:

ersp = [ freqs' ersp ]; % note the ' for transpose
ersp = [ 0 times; ersp ];
save -ascii ersp.txt ersp

Note that a lot of function in EEGLAB work in the same way (pop_spectopo 
[spectrum plotting], pop_crossf [coherence], pop_erpimage [ERPimage], ...).

Hope this helps,


Rich Ehrlichman wrote:
> Hi all,
>    I am currently using EEGlab to analyze single channel recordings.
> The data is originally recorded from Spike2 version 6.  I can import
> the data and markers from ascii files with no problems and use the GUI
> to do ERP and wavelet analysis.  What I would like to know is, once I
> plot the time/frequency channel analysis how can I export that data in
> a form which I can input to a stats program such as Statistica?
> Also, if anyone has any tips or examples for statistical analysis of
> time/frequency data from EEGlab I would appreciate it.  For our setup
> we generally have single channel recordings of subject groups (n=~8).
> Mostly auditory gating tasks in either a between or within subjects
> repeated measures study design.
> Thank you,
> Rich


*Arnaud Delorme, Ph.D.*
Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience, INC, University of San 
Diego California
La Jolla, CA92093-0961, USA

*Tel* :/(+1)-858-458-1927 ext 15/
*Fax* :/(+1)-858-458-1847/
*Web page*: sccn.ucsd.edu/~arno <http://www.sccn.ucsd.edu/%7Earno>
*To think upon*:

    If only we could pull out our brain and use only our eyes.

        /Pablo Picasso/  

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