[Eeglablist] Postdoc position at the MEG-Center of the University of Tübingen, Germany

Dr. Christoph Braun christoph.braun at uni-tuebingen.de
Thu Mar 22 10:25:09 PDT 2007

*Postdoctoral position in a "Bernstein Cooperation Project"
related to voluntary control of brain activity*

*for three years *

 The MEG-Center of the University of Tübingen offers a postdoc position 
in neuroscience. The candidate should have received a PhD in 
neuroscience, physics, mathematics, bio-informatics, medicine, 
psychology, or other disciplines related to studies in human 
neuroscience. The project investigates decoding of movement-related 
brain signals in close collaboration with the "Bernstein Center for 
Computational Neuroscience" of Freiburg. The project aims to improve 
neuronal decoding by voluntary modulation of brain signals using MEG and 
EEG recordings. Experience in psycho- and physiological experimentation 
and in the analysis of neurophysiological data is requested. Since the 
project requires intensive exchange with our cooperation partner, the 
candidate should be skilled in project organization and team-work. 
Salary is according to the German  TV-L E13 (previously BAT IIa) which 
is about 43.000 € gross pay per year. The appointment is for a term of 
three years.

Applicants should send an email including a statement of their research 
background and interests. Furthermore, a curriculum vitae, publication 
record and a list of scientific talks is requested. Finally three 
references should be provided. In case of questions and for your 
application please contact Dr. Christoph Braun, MEG-Center, 
Otfried-Müller-Str. 47, 72076 Tübingen, Germany. Email: 
christoph.braun at uni-tuebingen.de 
<mailto:christoph.braun at uni-tuebingen.de>. Applications should be handed 
in before 15^th April 2007.


Christoph Braun
Universität Tübingen
Otfried-Müller-Str. 47
Telefon: +49(0)7071-2987705
Fax:   +49(0)7071-295706
email: christoph.braun at uni-tuebingen.de

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