[Eeglablist] EGI NetStation data import/export

Chihiro Sugai schiro at siu.edu
Sat Nov 3 23:45:07 PDT 2007

Hello to all.  

We have a very basic data import/export from NetStation.  

Recently our lab has switched from Neuroscan to NetStation (EGI) for data

When the data are exported from NetStation (in any formats: *.raw, *.txt,
*.m), the power is significantly reduced for some reason (e.g., 50 microvolt
on NetStation Viewer, but only 1 microvolt on the exported format).   We
imported the data to several applications including Neuroscan Edit and
EEGLAB to locate the problem.   At this point, we suspect how we export the
data is the problem but we don’t know how to fix it.  

As a naïve NetStation user, I’d appreciate any input on this matter.  


Chihiro Sugai


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