[Eeglablist] bipolar to monopolar scalp derivations

Dott. Stefania Costa Neurofisiologia Stefania.Costa at uniroma1.it
Mon Nov 5 08:17:26 PST 2007

dear arno and scott,

I have some datasets with bipolar scalp channels (e.g. Fp1-F7 or P3-O1). 
I'm trying a solution to convert this format in one that EEGLab can 
read, so that it's possible to compute time/freq scalp maps.
I've seen that a function improved to do this already exists:


can you tell me more about its usage?

I tried to write a function of this format:

[newdata chlab] = daisy2ref2( EEG.data, 'ref', 'common','chanlocs', 
'Standard-10-20-Cap19.locs', 'badchan', 1:18);

but it doesn't seem to work, maybe because i don't know what good/bad 
electrodes are (this warning message appears: Subscripted assignment 
dimension mismatch. Error in ==> daisy2ref2 at 91    tmpdata(goodelec,:) 
= data;).

can you help me?

Stefania Costa PhD Student, Sapienza, Rome, Italy

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