[Eeglablist] concatenate .set files

Julie Onton julie at sccn.ucsd.edu
Fri Jan 25 07:47:17 PST 2008

Hi Darren,

Yes, there is an EEGLAB function to do just that. Under Edit->Append datasets, list the current
datasets to merge. It will check for consistency across datasets. The function from the
commandline is called 'pop_mergeset':

help pop_mergeset
  pop_mergeset() - Merge two or more datasets. If only one argument is given,
                   a window pops up to ask for more arguments.
    >> OUTEEG = pop_mergeset( ALLEEG ); % use a pop-up window
    >> OUTEEG = pop_mergeset( ALLEEG, indices, keepall);
    >> OUTEEG = pop_mergeset( INEEG1, INEEG2, keepall);

   INEEG1  - first input dataset
   INEEG2  - second input dataset

   ALLEEG  - array of EEG dataset structures
   indices - indices of EEG datasets to merge

   keepall - [0|1] 0 -> remove, or 1 -> preserve, ICA activations
             of the first dataset and recompute the activations
             of the merged data {default: 0}

   OUTEEG  - merged dataset

  Author: Arnaud Delorme, CNL / Salk Institute, 2001

  See also: eeglab()

Julie Onton, PhD
Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience
Institute for Neural Computation
University of California, San Diego
(858) 458-1927 ext 17

> I have several .set files that contain task epochs from different runs of
> the same task.  What is the best way to concatenate the EEG structures?  Is
> there a general eeglab command for this?  All the parameters of the EEG
> struct (sample rate, etc.) are identical.
> Regards, Darren
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