[Eeglablist] FIAS Summer School Theoretical Neuroscience & Complex Systems (2-24 August 2008, Frankfurt, Germany)

Dr. Gordon Pipa gpipa at MIT.EDU
Wed Feb 20 12:44:40 PST 2008

<apologies for multiple postings>

Announcement and Call for Applications:

The Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS) is organizing a
PENS-Blackwell Summer School on:

              Theoretical Neuroscience & Complex Systems

              Frankfurt, Germany, August 2-24, 2008

We invite applications for this three-week summer school from graduate
students and post-docs in experimental and computational neuroscience and
theoretical physics. Up to 30 students will be accepted.

The school is supported by PENS - the Programme of European Neuroscience
Schools, an IBRO-FENS collaboration.

Application deadline: Monday, April 7.
School:      http://fias.uni-frankfurt.de/neuro_school/	
Application: http://fens.mdc-berlin.de/pens/2008/schools/frankfurt/

Scientific Directors:

W. Maass, C. von der Malsburg, G. Pipa,
W. Singer, J. Triesch, M. Tsodyks

Lecturers and Tutors Include:

     * Dana Ballard, UT Austin, USA
     * Emery Brown, Harvard/MIT, Cambridge, USA
     * Yang Dan, UC Berkeley, USA
     * Sophie Deneve, CNRS, France
     * Rodney Douglas, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
     * Jordi Garcia-Ojalvo, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain
     * Wulfram Gerstner, EPFL, Switzerland
     * Ann Graybiel, MIT, USA
     * Mary Hayhoe, UT Austin, USA
     * Jurgen Kurths, University of Potsdam, Germany,
     * Jorg Lucke, FIAS, Germany
     * Wolfgang Maass, Technische Universitat, Graz, Austria
     * Christoph von der Malsburg, FIAS, Germany
     * Sergio Neuenschwander, MPIH, Germany
     * Danko Nikolic, MPIH, Germany
     * Gordon Pipa, FIAS and MPIH, Germany
     * Austra Saudargiene, Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania
     * Kerstin Schmidt, MPIH, Germany
     * Wolf Singer, MPIH, Germay
     * Olaf Sporns, Indiana University, USA
     * Jochen Triesch, FIAS, Germany
     * Peter Uhlhaas, MPIH, Germany
     * Raul Vicente, FIAS and MPIH, Germany
     * Cornelius Weber FIAS, Germany
     * Michael Wibral, MPIH, Germany
     * Kai Willadsen, FIAS, Germany
     * Junmei Zhu, FIAS, Germany


mathematical and biological foundations of theoretical neuroscience;
analysis of neural data; modelling of neurons and small networks; plasticity
and learning; modelling higher cognitive functions, embodiment


- a 3-day pre-school to establish a common foundation and language
- daily lectures by renowned international faculty
- hands-on work on self-defined projects in interdisciplinary groups
- round table discussions
- a social and cultural program

Registration Fees, Travel Expenses and Waivers:

The school covers the expenses for accommodation and the cultural program.
Students will have to pay a registration fee of 400 EURO. A small number of
grants are available for students who need support for their travel expenses
and a waiver for the registration fee. They are primarily intended for
students from disadvantaged regions. If you consider applying for financial
support, please indicate this in your application. We also need an estimate
of your travel expenses (in EUROs).

For further information, please contact:

Neuro School
Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies Johann Wolfgang Goethe University
Ruth-Moufang-Str. 1
60438 Frankfurt am Main

email: neuro_school at fias.uni-frankfurt.de
tel: +49 69 798 47601
fax: +49 69 798 47611

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