[Eeglablist] ICA for rejecting EOG

qiweijingwx qiweijingwx at 126.com
Fri Feb 29 18:26:13 PST 2008


I am sorry that i have'nt make my problem clear. There are 5 trials of a subject, so there are 5 files of a subject. I want to use ICA to reject EOG. 
Should I run ICA for the 5 files separately or for a whole file after merging the 5 files?
If for a merged file, the file will be very big.
If separately, rejecting different component for the 5 files may influence the result. So could I apply the weight of a ICA component which i want to reject to the other files in order to reject the same component for the 5 files?
If i could, how to make it?

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