[Eeglablist] importing BVA files

Patrick Crutchley pcrutchl at upenn.edu
Tue Apr 8 06:47:29 PDT 2008


I'm also unable to use the macro (but that's because my lab uses a  
remote copy of Matlab).  I get around the limitation by doing a  
generic data export in Analyzer, with header and marker files.  It's a  
little kludgy, but it works for me to get data into EEGLAB from BVA.

I also suggest speaking with the Brain people, especially Dr Ingmar  
Gutberlet; they have always been very responsive to my inquiries in  
the past.  I reach Dr Gutberlet through the Brain Products support e- 
mail address at support at brainproducts.com.

Hope this helps.


On Apr 8, 2008, at 3:21 AM, andrea at handl.hu wrote:

> Hello,
> I have an urgent problem:
> using the suggested Macro to export .mat files from Brain Vision  
> Analyser
> does not work (I copied and pasted the macro, run it - but no result),
> which means no file is constructed. I do have Matlab installed on the
> computer. Are there any other decent options? I would really  
> appreciate a
> quick answer as the problem needs to be solved immedeately.
> Thank you very much!
> Andrea
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Patrick Crutchley, BSE
Research Programmer / Analyst
Department of Neuropsychiatry
University of Pennsylvania
1018 Gates Pavilion, HUP
3400 Spruce Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104

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