[Eeglablist] How can I open exported EEGLAB epochs in Neuroscan

Frances De Blasio fmd02 at uow.edu.au
Wed Apr 16 16:14:18 PDT 2008

Hello everyone, 

I am trying to open an exported epoch file generated by EEGLAB (ASCII .dat) in Neuroscan but have had great difficulty in opening this as epoch data.  I am able to open the file as an average ERP, or as a continuous EEG data set, but receive an error when attempting to open the file as epoch data. I have inspected the file in Excel and found that all the data points are recorded (61,440 of them), so i believe its not an issue of missing data.  Just wondering if it is possible to view the file in epoch form, and if so then how!?  Thank you for your time and suggestions,

Frances De Blasio
(Psychology Student)  

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