[Eeglablist] Nihon Koden *.EEG files

Alois Schlögl alois.schloegl at tugraz.at
Thu Jun 26 04:54:59 PDT 2008

Hi Brett,

Biosig has now included support for the Nihon Kohden format. The 
solution is working for my test files and is implemented as a mex file 
called mexSLOAD.mex. I can send you the mex-file for Matlab 7.6 for GNU 
Linux i386 platform.

If you have a different platform, you need to build the mex-file for 
your platform. Checkout the latest repository of biosig4c++

    cvs -d:pserver:anonymous at biosig.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/biosig 
co biosig4c++

and make the matlab mex file with

   cd biosig4c++
   make mex4m

You might need to modify line 13 in Makefile in order to set the path to 
the mex compiler
MEX	      = /opt/MatlabR2008a/bin/mex

Include mexSLOAD in your matlab path.

mexSLOAD supports approx 20 different data formats and is much faster 
than the traditional sload. If you have a recent version (v2.13) of 
BioSig for Octave and Matlab, the function sload (i think it is used in 
eeglab for loading data) will use mexSLOAD when available.


> Message: 3 Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2008 18:15:49 +1000 From: "Brett Foster"
> <BFoster at groupwise.swin.edu.au> Subject: [Eeglablist] Nihon Koden
> *.EEG files To: <eeglablist at sccn.ucsd.edu> Message-ID:
> <485FE854.8ED3.0080.0 at groupwise.swin.edu.au> Content-Type:
> text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
> Dear Users,
> I am currently trying to import ECoG data from a neurofax Nihon Koden
> machine into eeglab/matlab.  So far the biosig plugins have not
> worked.  If any users have experience with this data format it would
> be most appreciated.
> NB:  The header contains "EEG-2100  V02"
> Regards, Brett.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> Brett Foster - PhD candidate Brain Dynamics Group: Centre for 
> Intelligent Systems & Complex Processes; & Brain Sciences Institute. 
> Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia. email:
> bfoster at swin.edu.au phone: 9214-5543 
> -------------------------------------------------------------------

Dr. Alois Schlögl
Institute for Human-Computer Interfaces
University of Technology Graz, AUSTRIA
email: alois.schloegl at tugraz.at

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