[Eeglablist] New package for ERP analysis

Steve Luck sjluck at ucdavis.edu
Thu Dec 18 12:22:41 PST 2008

My lab -- in conjunction with several other labs -- is putting  
together a package of freely available, open source Matlab routines  
for basic and advanced ERP analyses called ERPLAB Toolbox.  It will be  
tightly integrated with EEGLAB, providing the ERP analysis tools that  
are needed to do conventional ERP research.  These tools include  
sophisticated sorting of trials for averaging, plotting of ERP  
waveforms, measurement of amplitudes and latencies, etc.  The new  
functions will be available from the EEGLAB GUI and will also be  
available to Matlab scripts.  It will be designed to make it easy for  
users to customize the functions and add new functions.  We are now at  
the stage of beta-testing the first set of functions, and we hope to  
provide a public release of these functions within 6 months.

We are planning to submit a grant proposal to fund this effort, and it  
will be very helpful if we can provide an estimate of the number of  
potential users.  If you think you might be interested in using this  
package, please sign up for our email list at http://mail01.cmb.ucdavis.edu/mailman/listinfo/erplab 
  (this will also allow you to receive up-to-date information about  

Please sign up for the list soon, because the proposal is due in  
January.  And please distribute this message to anyone you know who  
might be interested in using the software.  The more potential users  
we can identify, the greater are the chances that this project will be  

Steve Luck

Steven J. Luck, Ph.D.
Center for Mind & Brain and Department of Psychology
University of California, Davis
267 Cousteau Place
Davis, CA 95618
(530) 297-4424
sjluck at ucdavis.edu

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