[Eeglablist] Happy new year!

arno delorme arno at ucsd.edu
Fri Jan 2 13:57:01 PST 2009

Happy new year from the EEGLAB team. Some of our New Year's  
resolutions for EEGLAB:

- To build the ability for EEGLAB functions to use memory mapping to  
process large EEG files without first reading them entirely into  
computer memory

- To build a STUDY design tool to perform statistical comparisons  
within one-way (1 by N) and two-way (N by M) subsets of groups and  

- To build bridges between EEGLAB and other open sources tools and  

- To build a wiki for the EEGLAB tutorial

We continue to value your feedback about bugs and suggestions to the  
EEGLAB Bugzilla database,

Your news, thoughts and questions to the eeglablist, and your other  
email to eeglab at sccn.ucsd.edu.

Arnaud Delorme

Scott Makeig

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