[Eeglablist] Motion artifacts in EEG/fMRI recordings of epileptic patients

Andrey Zhdanov zhdanova at post.tau.ac.il
Mon Feb 16 04:12:47 PST 2009

Dear EEGLAB list users!
In my lab we are trying to localize epileptic foci from interictal 
EEG/fMRI recordings in 3T MRI scanner. The main problem that we are 
facing is contamination of EEG by motion artifacts (including the 
cardioballistic ones), which makes it impossible to reliably detect 
epileptic spikes in the EEG. The standard artifact removal methods (e.g. 
those of the FMRIB plugin in EEGLAB) are not good enough for our purpose.
I am aware that there is quite a body of literature on motion artifact 
correction in EEG/fMRI using ICA and other methods. However, I would 
like to get an expert opinion on whether (and how) this can reasonably 
done in practice. Does anyone do epileptic foci localization with 
EEG/fMRI in 3 Tesla as an established clinical procedure?
Thanks in advance,
   Andrey Zhdanov,
   Research Assistant,
   fMRI Unit, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center.

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