[Eeglablist] Error with eeg_leadfield4()

Eleni Christodoulou echristo at ics.forth.gr
Tue Mar 17 09:17:27 PDT 2009

Hello all,

I have the problem described below ehich I also found in bugzilla. 
However, it is reported to be an invalid bug thus I still don't have the 
solution to the problem...
I get the following error message when using DIPFIT while attempting to 
coarse fit (grid scan):


EEGLAB error in function eeg_leadfield4() at line 123:

Invalid MEX file

is not a valid Win32 application.


This error only occurs  if I use the "BESA file for 4-shell dipfit spherical
model" when editing the channel locations. If I use the "MNI coordinates 
for BEM dipfit model" I am able to proceed to the fine fit without any

Can anyone help me with this?
I use Windows XP Professional and the MATLAB edition I have installed is 
MATLB 7.6.0.

Thank you very much in advance,

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