[Eeglablist] CfP Workshop on Affective Brain-Computer Interfaces (aBCI '09)

Christian Muehl cmuehl at gmail.com
Thu Apr 23 07:02:56 PDT 2009

                     Call for Papers

Workshop on Affective Brain-Computer Interfaces
         (held in conjunction with ACII’09)

   Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 09.09.2009



This workshop will explore the advantages and limitations of using
neurophysiological signals as a modality for the automatic recognition
of affective and cognitive states, as well as the possibilities to use
this information about the user state in innovative and adaptive

Theme of the workshop:

Recent research efforts in brain-computer interfaces (BCI) show that
brain activity can be used as an active/voluntary, or
passive/involuntary control modality in man-machine interaction. While
active BCI paradigms received a lot of attention in recent years,
research on passive approaches to BCI is still lacking concerted
However, it has been shown more than once that brain activations can
carry information about the affective and cognitive state of a
subject, and that the interaction between humans and machines can be
aided by the recognition of those user states.
To achieve robust passive BCIs, efforts from applied and basic
sciences have to be combined. On the one hand, applied fields such as
affective computing aim at the development of applications that adapt
to changes in the user states and thereby enrich the interaction,
leading to a more natural and effective usability. On the other hand,
basic research in neuroscience advances our understanding of the
neural processes associated with emotions. Furthermore, similar
advancements are being made for more cognitive mental states, for
example attention, fatigue, and work load, which strongly interact
with affective states.

We encourage submissions exploring one or more of the following topics:

* emotion elicitation and data collection for affective BCI
* detection of affective and cognitive states with BCI and other modalities
* adaptive interfaces and affective BCI

Goal of the workshop:

The goal of the workshop is to bring researchers from the communities
of brain computer interfacing, affective computing, neuroergonomics,
affective and cognitive neuroscience together to present
state-of-the-art progress and visions on the various intersections
between those disciplines.

Paper submissions:

Papers should be 8 - 15 pages long and in the format of the CTIT
Series Proceedings. They should have a clear relationship to
brain-computer interfacing and to one or more of the other topics
listed above. Technical papers, as well as survey papers and empirical
papers are eligible. The accepted papers will be published in the
workshop proceedings (CTIT Series, ISSN Number available). Please
submit your papers in PDF format to ABCI at ewi.utwente.nl .

Important Dates:

Paper Submission:              15.06.2009
Acceptance Note:              15.07.2009
Camera-ready versions:     15.08.2009

Further information can be found on the workshop website.
Workshop Website:         http://hmi.ewi.utwente.nl/abci2009
Email:                              ABCI at ewi.utwente.nl

Programme Chairs:
* Brendan Allison, Technische Universitaet Graz, Austria
* Stephen Dunne, StarLabs Barcelona, Spain
* Dirk Heylen, Universiteit Twente, The Netherlands
* Anton Nijholt, Universiteit Twente, The Netherlands

Local Organizer:
* Christian Muehl, Universiteit Twente, The Netherlands

Programme Committee:
* Anne-Marie Brouwer,  TNO Soesterberg, The Netherlands
* Stephen Fairclough, John Moores University Liverpool, United Kingdom
* Peter Desain,  Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
* Grandjean Didier, University Geneva, Switzerland
* Markus Junghöfer, Universität Münster, Germany
* Jonghwa Kim,  Universitaet Augsburg, Germany
* Gary Garcia Molina,  Phillips Research Eindhoven, The Netherlands
* Femke Nijboer, Fatronik - Tecnalia, Donostia, Spain
* Ioannis Patras,  Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom
* Gert Pfurtscheller,  Technische Universitaet Graz, Austria
* Thierry Pun, University of Geneva, Switzerland
* Egon van den Broek, University of Twente, The Netherlands


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