[Eeglablist] plotting channel/component activations

Dorothy Bishop Dorothy.Bishop at psy.ox.ac.uk
Mon Aug 17 02:54:06 PDT 2009

When inspecting plots of channel data or component activations, it can be easy to lose track of which line corresponds to which channel/component.
Is there a way of selecting a specific color for a given channel or component in these plots?
If not, would it be possible to incorporate this in a future revision? It would be really helpful.

I have tried going to settings/number of channels to display, but this seems to then just plot the last few channels - e.g. if I say I want 10 components and I have 28, then it plots just 19-28.  I can't find a way to specify a specific subset of components to look at (except by deleting the rest from the dataset).


Dorothy Bishop
Professor of Developmental Neuropsychology
Department of Experimental Psychology
University of Oxford

tel: +44 (0)1865 271369
fax: +44 (0)1865 281255

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