[Eeglablist] Extract ERP Amplitude and Latency Information

Camilla Hileman chileman at psy.miami.edu
Mon Nov 2 11:50:41 PST 2009

Hi all,

Does anybody know of an EEGLab plug-in or a bit of code or some tool to
extract ERP amplitude and latency information? It appears that EEGLab
doesn't currently have this function, and I am interested in doing this
with my data set.

I know that Steve Luck's lab is in the process of developing an ERP
plug-in for EEGLab, but I don't believe that it's publicly available yet.
Does anybody have any tips on how to automatically extract amplitude and
latency information from a waveform, until this plug-in becomes available?

Thanks very much!

Camilla Hileman
University of Miami

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