[Eeglablist] ICA analysis for mu-rhythm detection

Katerina jeux_d at yahoo.gr
Tue Nov 24 04:44:32 PST 2009

i have performed ICA analysis through EEGLAB (Tools -> Run ICA) to data 
of three different experiments. All subjects had performed hand or 
finger movement. However, after performing ICA and ploting (Tools -> 
Component spectra and maps) at 10Hz, the topographic maps didn't show 
the correct activation, i.e. activation at the motor cortex of the 
contralateral hemisphere. As for the third experiment in particular, the 
subject had been repeatedly tapping the finger of the right hand, and 
after ICA analysis, the map only showed activation at the occipital lobe.

Is there any explanation for this behavior of the data? Is there any 
particular reason why ICA wouldn't work with mu-rhythm detection and 
hand movement?

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