[Eeglablist] postdoc position in Leiden, The Netherlands: studies on resting-state and activation EEG-fMRI during sleep and wakefulness in healthy subjects and patient with sleep disorders including insomnia and narcolepsy

Diederick Stoffers d.stoffers at gmail.com
Sat Dec 12 03:18:31 PST 2009


The Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) has initiated the  
interdisciplinary Sleep Neuroscience Center Leiden. Its focus is  
fundamental and strategic scientific and clinical research on sleep

Within the Departments of Neurology and Neuroradiology, and in close  
collaboration with Dr. E.J.W. van Someren’s Sleep & Cognition group at  
the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience, a position is available  
for a

Postdoc (m/f)

38 hours per week

Project information:

This project is funded by a LUMC starting grant for the Sleep  
Neuroscience Center Leiden. It has become evident over the last decade  
that sleep is an essential component of normal cognitive functioning  
and maintenance of brain structure and function at the cellular to the  
systems level. In addition, disturbed sleep crucially contributes to  
major health problems associated with metabolic regulation, aging and  
psychiatry. The present project aims to elucidate the association  
between activatiion of the default mode resting state network, it’s  
structural backbone, and travelling slow oscillations during sleep. A  
second focus is on the involvement of the default mode network in  
deviant switching between sleep and wakefulness in narcolepsy and  
insomnia. Philips  7T and 3T scanners are available for structural and  
functional MRI. The aim is to do EEG-MRI with the new Electrical  
Geodesics Inc (EGI) system. The project will be performed in close  
collaboration with Dr. S. Rombouts (director of the Leiden Institute  
for Brain and Cognition: LIBC) and with the Sleep & Cognition group at  
the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience. A 0.5 FTE lab technician  
will support the project.


A strong scientific track record including publications is essential  
for the Postdoc.

The Postdoc will be responsible for studies on resting-state and  
activation EEG-fMRI during sleep and wakefulness in healthy subjects  
and patient with sleep disorders including insomnia and narcolepsy.


This position involves a temporary appointment for three years.


Depending on training and work experience according to the collective  
Agreement for Dutch Universities (CAO-Nederlandse Universiteiten),  
including 8% holiday pay and a 8.3% year-end bonus. We offer an  
extensive package of fringe benefits.

Work location:

The Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden.


For further information about this position, you may contact Dr. EJW  
Van Someren (e-mail e.van.someren at nin.knaw.nl) or Dr. SARB Rombouts (s.a.r.b.rombouts at lumc.nl 
). Information on the groups is found at http://www.nin.knaw.nl/research_groups/van_someren_group/

and at http://www.libc-leiden.nl


You may send your application letter, curriculum vitae and the names  
of 2 references to

Dr. EJW Van Someren (Laboratory for Neurophysiology, Department of  
Molecular Cell Biology, LUMC S-05-P, PO Box 9600,  2300 RC Leiden, The  
Netherlands) or preferably by email: e.van.someren at nin.knaw.nl.  
Application deadline: January 14, 2010.

Any acquisition further to this advertisement will not be appreciated
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