[Eeglablist] Parallel port

Andreas Widmann widmann at uni-leipzig.de
Fri Dec 18 00:45:39 PST 2009


> In our EEG system we`re sending TTL codes through the parallel port of the display PC which are recorded in a separate EEG channel. These codes are used in order to synchronize the EEG data with the stimuli. Since this is a mobile system, we`re using a laptop in order to present the stimuli. Recently, we had to replace our laptop but couldn`t find any new laptops with built-in parallel port. 
Which stimulation software and OS do you use?

In case MATLAB or C on Windows you could consider Activewire-USB board (http://www.activewireinc.com/; MATLAB drivers provided by Psychtoolbox) or USB-1208FS like device (http://www.mccdaq.com/usb-data-acquisition/USB-1208FS%20.aspx; Windows: Libraries for various programming languages provided or MATLAB with Daq-Toolbox; OS X: also Psychtoolbox).

I have found at least some USB to parallel port adapters to have severe timing problems making them more or less unusable for EEG triggering purposes.


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