[Eeglablist] Epoching correct answers

Pruce, Benjamin bpruce at indiana.edu
Tue Jan 12 08:32:39 PST 2010


I am new to EEGlab and have a question about epochs.  I have a Rapid 
Serial Visual Presentation sentence comprehension study and I would 
like to only include correct answers for analysis of epochs.  My main 
problem is that the event I wish to epoch occurs 6 to 10 flags before 
the subject actually responds. The extra flags and response information 
I do not want included for the event, only to test as correct or 
incorrect.  How could I go about doing this?  I was going to make one 
long epoch that starts at the first flag and includes up until the 
response, but I am still not sure how I can then reject trials that do 
not pair correctly.  I realize I could do it by hand using trial 
rejection, but I was wondering if there is a faster way to do this?  
Any kind direction will be greatly appreciated as I am still learning 
the major uses of the software.

Ben Pruce

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