[Eeglablist] 'timesout' in pop_newtimef

余督督 jackm_ustc at 163.com
Wed Mar 31 16:21:26 PDT 2010

Hi experts,

I am new to the time-frequency analysis of EEGLAB. I have a dataset of hundreds of epoch. The sampling rate is 500. Each epoch starts at -100ms and ends at 298ms. I'd like to see the ERSP of 10hz-50hz at the entire time range, i.e. -100-298ms. So I ran this command

figure; [ersp,itc,powbase,times,freqs,erspboot,itcboot]=pop_newtimef( EEG, 1, 47, [-100 298], [3 0.5] ,'type', 'phasecoher', 'title','Channel P2 power and inter-trial phase coherence', 'alpha',.05,'padratio', 16, 'plotphase','off','freqs',[10 50],'timesout',[-100:2:298]);

However, the output ERSP plot is always from 68ms to 130ms. And I saw a warning message in Matlab command window:

Warning: 168 out of 200 time values were removed (now 68.00 to 130.00 ms) so the lowest
         frequency could be computed with the requested accuracy

And the output 'times' is indeed between 68 and 130
times =
  Columns 1 through 7
   68.8485   70.8586   72.8687   74.8788   76.8889   78.8990   80.9091
  Columns 8 through 14
   82.9192   84.9293   86.9394   88.9495   90.9596   92.9697   94.9798
  Columns 15 through 21
   96.9899   99.0000   99.0000  101.0101  103.0202  105.0303  107.0404
  Columns 22 through 28
  109.0505  111.0606  113.0707  115.0808  117.0909  119.1010  121.1111
  Columns 29 through 32
  123.1212  125.1313  127.1414  129.1515

What does this mean? And how can I get enough data at broader time range? 
I appreciate very much for any response.

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