[Eeglablist] Running binica under Windows XP: some problems.

Alejo Keuroghlanian Alejo.Keuroghlanian at iit.it
Sun Aug 15 07:21:36 PDT 2010

Dear all,

I'm working under Windows XP, with Matlab version, and EEGlab version 8.3.5b. 

I'm trying to use binica, but I'm getting some errors, and I don't understand why.

I have followed the instructions in the webpage: http://sccn.ucsd.edu/eeglab/binica/   There, I downloaded the files in the link "Windows PC (95, 98, NT, 2000, XP?. older version)". The files were 1ST_README.txt, ica.exe, and ica.sc. I put all these files in a folder included in the Matlab path. Then, I modified the icadefs.m file in such a way that 

ICABINARY = 'C:\Documents and Settings\Alejo\My Documents\eeglab8_0_3_5b\binica\ica_pc\ica.exe' 

Then, when I execute the command

>> [wts,sph] = binica('C:\Documents and Settings\Alejo\My Documents\MATLAB\acticap_19_03_10\stefano\stefano_cwalker_fcz_ref_wout_ft9_ft10_artrej_sr250.dat',62,300)

I get the following messages: 

binica: using source file 'C:\Documents and Settings\Alejo\My Documents\eeglab8_0_3_5b\eeglab8_0_3_5b\functions\sigprocfunc\binica.sc'
binica(): using binary ica file '?/C:\Documents and Settings\Alejo\My Documents\eeglab8_0_3_5b\binica\ica_pc\ica.exe'
binica(): no optional (flag, argument) pairs received.
scriptfile = binica975.sc

Running ica from script file binica975.sc
The system cannot find the file specified. 
??? Error using ==> floatread at 168
floatread() fopen() error.

Error in ==> binica at 414
    wts = floatread(weightsfile,[ncomps Inf],[],0);


I have also tried to modify the SC variable in the icadefs.m file in such a way that 

SC  = ['C:\Documents and Settings\Alejo\My Documents\eeglab8_0_3_5b\binica\ica_pc\ica.sc']; 

but still I get some other error messages:

binica: using source file 'C:\Documents and Settings\Alejo\My Documents\eeglab8_0_3_5b\binica\ica_pc\ica.sc'
binica(): using binary ica file 'C:\Documents and Settings\Alejo\My Documents\eeglab8_0_3_5b\binica\ica_pc\ica.exe'
??? Attempted to access s(2); index out of bounds because numel(s)=1.

Error in ==> binica>rmcomment at 451
     while s(n)~=symb % discard # comments

Error in ==> binica>read_sc at 504
     s = rmcomment(s,'#');

Error in ==> binica at 208
[flags,args] = read_sc(SC); % read flags and args in master SC file


Anyway, I understand I'm getting something completely wrong, because I realize binica is building up an ad hoc .sc file each time I run it, so probably there is no point in modifying the SC variable in the icadefs.m file.

Is there a step-by-step tutorial about using binica under Windows, for dummies?

Thanks in advance.



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