[Eeglablist] Public release of ERPLAB Toolbox 1.0.0

Steve Luck sjluck at ucdavis.edu
Mon Oct 18 11:13:27 PDT 2010

We are pleased to announce the release of ERPLAB Toolbox 1.0.0, a free, open-source package of ERP data analysis routines.  ERPLAB plugs into EEGLAB, taking advantage of EEGLAB's excellent user interface and EEG processing abilities.  ERPLAB is designed to provide industrial strength sorting of trials for averaging, artifact detection, and ERP post processing.  Like EEGLAB, it can be run from a GUI for ease of use or from Matlab scripts for power and flexibility. The first version focuses on high-quality implementations of the most basic ERP processing functions, and advanced functions will be added in the future.

ERPLAB Toolbox can be downloaded for free at http://erpinfo.org/erplab.  This site also provides information about a mailing list and online bulletin boards for asking questions, requesting features, and reporting bugs.

We would like to thank the National Institute of Mental Health for financial support, and Scott Makeig and Arnauld Delorme for their support in integrating ERPLAB with EEGLAB.

Steve Luck & Javier Lopez-Calderon
UC-Davis Center for Mind & Brain

Steven J. Luck, Ph.D.
Director, Center for Mind & Brain
Professor, Department of Psychology
University of California, Davis
Room 127
267 Cousteau Place
Davis, CA 95618
(530) 297-4424
sjluck at ucdavis.edu
Web: http://mindbrain.ucdavis.edu/people/sjluck
Calendar: http://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=stevenjluck%40gmail.com&ctz=America/Los_Angeles

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