[Eeglablist] newcrossf error

isacor at us.es isacor at us.es
Tue Nov 2 08:47:57 PDT 2010

Hello everyone:
I tried to compute the cross-coherence between twochannels using eeglab My epoch time range is from -1800 ms to 1200 ms. The parameters used are:
cycles: [1.5 0.5]
baseline: [-1300 -1200]
alpha: 0.01

I returned the following error:

EEGLAB error in function newcrossf() at line 1272:
Undefined function or variable "baseln".

If I do not use the baseline I have no problems. But I'm interested to use the baseline.
With the current version of eeglab get the same error but at line 854.

Can somebody help me?


Isabel Cordones
Fisiología Animal Y Zoologia
Neurociencia y Comportamiento
Facultad de Biología, Universidad de Sevilla
Avda. Reina Mercedes 6, 41012-Sevilla

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