[Eeglablist] channel location problem: ipsilateral and contralateral question

Xiaoxi Chen nancy.chen.psy at gmail.com
Mon Dec 27 18:33:50 PST 2010

Dear all,
My visual stimuli was presented on either *left* visual field or
*right*visual field, so I had to label channel locations on the
*ipsilateral *and *contralateral *sides, and then average the contralateral
side of both left presented stimuli and right presented stimuli (the same
with ipsilateral side of both left presented stimuli and right presented
stimuli ). Here I got a question:

How can this be done in EEGlab?

I  tried to isolate left and right stimuli into *two single datasets* and
load different channle location files separately, but I had to
*append*these two datasets to draw Sum/Compare ERP waves. While how
does EEGlab
append several datasets- based on the *number* of channel location, or the *
name* of channel location?  If these two datasets had different channel
location file, then the appended dataset would not have an unnified channel
location. How to solve this problem.
And how does  "Sum/Compare ERP waves" draw waves - based on number of
channel location, or the name of channel location?

Can you give some suggestions?

Thanks for your time.

Xiaoxi Chen,
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