[Eeglablist] ICA vs. regression-based artifact correction effects on sensor level phase

Baris Demiral demiral.007 at googlemail.com
Thu Feb 16 12:20:22 PST 2012


Here are the questions:

a) If we take out artifactual ICs (say, eye blinks), do the final
sensor data loose their crucial phase information?
b) If we apply linear regression based algorithms to exclude
artifacts, will this influence the sensor level phase information?
c) How do these two methods influence sensor based connectivity analysis?
d) Which sensor-based connectivity measures are robust against volume

I favor source- and ICA-based multivariate connectivity analyses where
you really do not need to take out ICs, but work on the components of
But, there are plenty of papers out there reporting only pairwise
sensor connectivity while ignoring the effects of volume conduction
and artifact correction.

Ş. Barış Demiral, PhD.
Department of Psychiatry
Washington University
School of Medicine
660 S. Euclid Avenue
Box 8134
Saint Louis, MO 63110
Phone: +1 (314) 747 1603

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