[Eeglablist] problems to import

Baris Demiral demiral.007 at googlemail.com
Sat Mar 3 14:10:01 PST 2012

Are you trying to epoch button responses, if so, are you using BioSemi
response box? Don't forget that if you press a biosemi response button
too long, the button press trigger code (256 or 512) is added over the
next trigger code leading to different (larger) trigger codes.

Importing bdfs: Biosig import in the eeglab's new versions now behaves
differently: It excludes the reference channel in the display, but it
nevertheless preserves those channels (look at the channel edit).
Those channels you use as reference are at the very end of the channel
list. I think you should indicate channels 65 and 66 as references,

On Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 11:50 AM, Esther Alonso-Prieto
<e.alonso at eyecarecentre.org> wrote:
> Dear all:
> I am  having troubles to import  bdfs. Although there are no errors etc, it only shows 72 epochs (instead of 600).
> There is an issue with the number of channels as well. It should show 72 channels. But when we indicate 64 and 65 as reference channels it imports only 70 channels.
> (EGG lab version and MAtlab 7.12.0.)
> Has anyone experienced problems like these? Any suggestions?
> Thanks in advance.
> Esther
> ________________________________________
> From: eeglablist-bounces at sccn.ucsd.edu [eeglablist-bounces at sccn.ucsd.edu] On Behalf Of Baris Demiral [demiral.007 at googlemail.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2012 9:12 AM
> To: Manousos Klados
> Cc: eeglablist
> Subject: Re: [Eeglablist] ICA vs. regression-based artifact correction effects on sensor level phase
> Hi Manousos,
> Thank you for pointing out the link, I am actually aware of your
> paper, and I think it is a good alternative to just taking out the
> artifactual ICs by visual inspection.
> I have some questions though:
> a) As I understand, you apply regression based correction on the
> artifactual ICs by using EOG channels. How do you decide which ICs are
> artifactual at the first place?
> b) Are the EOGs recorded as monopolar or bipolor? I assume they are
> monopolar. Does it matter?
> c) Do you include EOGs in the ICA?
> Overall, my question initially was theoretical, to asses how much
> impact such corrections have on phase information and connectivity.
> Thanks,
> Baris
> On Sat, Feb 18, 2012 at 2:21 PM, Manousos Klados <mklados at med.auth.gr> wrote:
>> Dear Baris,
>> Check this out-->
>> http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1746809411000061 Manousos,
>> REGICA is a hybrid method combining the ICA with the regression-based
>> techniques, dealing with the known problems of both methodologies...
>> If you search the EEGLAB site you can find the REGICA plugin...
>> Best Regards
>> Manousos Klados
>> 2012/2/16 Baris Demiral <demiral.007 at googlemail.com>
>>> Hi,
>>> Here are the questions:
>>> a) If we take out artifactual ICs (say, eye blinks), do the final
>>> sensor data loose their crucial phase information?
>>> b) If we apply linear regression based algorithms to exclude
>>> artifacts, will this influence the sensor level phase information?
>>> c) How do these two methods influence sensor based connectivity analysis?
>>> d) Which sensor-based connectivity measures are robust against volume
>>> conduction?
>>> I favor source- and ICA-based multivariate connectivity analyses where
>>> you really do not need to take out ICs, but work on the components of
>>> interest.
>>> But, there are plenty of papers out there reporting only pairwise
>>> sensor connectivity while ignoring the effects of volume conduction
>>> and artifact correction.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Baris
>>> --
>>> Ş. Barış Demiral, PhD.
>>> Department of Psychiatry
>>> Washington University
>>> School of Medicine
>>> 660 S. Euclid Avenue
>>> Box 8134
>>> Saint Louis, MO 63110
>>> Phone: +1 (314) 747 1603
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>> --
>> Manousos A. Klados
>> ________________________________________________
>> B.Sc Mathematics
>> M.Sc Medical Informatics
>> ________________________________________________
>> PhD Candidate -- Research Assistant
>> Group of Applied Neurosciences
>> Lab of Medical Informatics
>> School of Medicine
>> Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
>> P.O. Box 323 54124 Thessaloniki Greece
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>> Fax:+30-2310-999263
>> Website: http://lomiweb.med.auth.gr/gan/mklados
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>> ________________________________________________________________
> --
> Ş. Barış Demiral, PhD.
> Department of Psychiatry
> Washington University
> School of Medicine
> 660 S. Euclid Avenue
> Box 8134
> Saint Louis, MO 63110
> Phone: +1 (314) 7477 1603
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Ş. Barış Demiral, PhD.
Department of Psychiatry
Washington University
School of Medicine
660 S. Euclid Avenue
Box 8134
Saint Louis, MO 63110
Phone: +1 (314) 7477 1603

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