[Eeglablist] wavelet cycles

Ольга Протасенко oprotasenko at mail.ru
Tue Mar 20 09:15:31 PDT 2012


I'm sorry for the fooly question, but have not found the answer myself.
We are working with pop_newtimef() function. And can't understand the meaning of some arguments.

First of all, it's about "wavelet cycles":

In Tutorial the values are "3 0.5" and is written the following: "Note: timef() decompositions using FFTs allow computation of lower frequencies than wavelets, since they compute as low as one cycle per
window, whereas the wavelet method uses a fixed number of cycles (default 3) for each frequency."

So, 3 is a default? And what is "0.5"?

In other programmes we used to write only frequency in Hz, so we don't understand the difference and the sense.

Thank you,
Olga P.

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