[Eeglablist] Trying to get component spectral values

Don Scott dscott8201 at gmail.com
Sun Mar 25 13:42:41 PDT 2012

EEGlablist friends:

I  want to export the numbers behind the activity power spectrum that is
displayed by Plot>Component Properties.  I have been given the following
code and assurance that once run, the workspace variable "speccomp+first 5
letters of current file+current component number + which frequency"
contains the numbers I want.  BUT, plotting those 257 numbers does not
resemble the plot I get with the power X  0-50Hz figure I get from
Plot>Component Properties.  I keep expecting an array of 50 numbers that
correspond to the 0 - 50 Hz range

Can anyone please help with this problem?

Thanks very much

currentfilename = EEG.filename;
currentfrequency = 10;
currentcompA = 13;
percentageofFiletoAnalyze = 2;
figure;  [spectra freqs speccomp] = pop_spectopo(EEG, 0, [0      EEG.xmax
*1000], 'EEG' ...
 , 'freq', [currentfrequency], 'plotchan', 0, 'percent',
percentageofFiletoAnalyze, 'icacomps', [currentcompA]...
, 'nicamaps', 1, 'icamaps', [1], 'icamode',  'normal',  'freqrange',[8
12],'electrodes','off'); close(gcf);
currentcompA1= num2str(currentcompA);
 v = genvarname([ 'Speccomp' currentfilename1 currentcompA1 'hz']); eval([v
' = newspecs']);
v2 = genvarname([ 'Freqs' currentfilename1 currentcompA1 'hz']); eval([v2 '
= newfreqs']);

Don Scott

(864) 415 - 1795
Dscott8201 at Gmail.Com

*"Although the universe doesn't have an end, it had a beginning in the Big
Bang. One might ask what is before that, but the answer is that there is
nowhere before the Big Bang, just as there is nowhere south of the South
*--- Stephen Hawking*
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