[Eeglablist] Power spectrum plots and power values for individual channels

Tsuboyama, Melissa mtsuboyama at URMC.Rochester.edu
Fri Apr 27 11:42:29 PDT 2012

Hi all,

How do you create a spectral map (of power vs. frequency) for select channels (all on one plot)?  I have yet to figure out how each variable is stored in EEGlab so that I can write code calling on particular ones.  Using the pop_functions, you can plot power spectra for individual channels separately using the "channel properties" option, but I need multiple channels on one spectral plot.

Also, is there a way to calculate the max(power) on these plots?  I am looking at peaks in alpha and beta ranges and am trying to quantify the max value of each peak.  Is there a command or function or something other than manually using the data cursor within the figure menu that I could use to do this?

Thanks so much!

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