[Eeglablist] plot limits for scalp map in study

ANDREW HILL andrewhill at ucla.edu
Sat May 5 13:34:33 PDT 2012

Hi Beth,

Here is what I do, from the command line:

STUDY = pop_specparams(STUDY, 'freqrange',[12 15, 'topofreq',[12 15] );

STUDY = std_specplot(STUDY,ALLEEG,'channels',{'Fp1' 'AF7' 'AF3' 'F1' 'F3' 'F5' 'F7' 'FT7' 'FC5' 'FC3' 'FC1' 'C1' 'C3' 'C5' 'T7' 'TP7' 'CP5' 'CP3' 'CP1' 'P1' 'P3' 'P5' 'P7' 'P9' 'PO7' 'PO3' 'O1' 'Iz' 'Oz' 'POz' 'Pz' 'CPz' 'Fpz' 'Fp2' 'AF8' 'AF4' 'AFz' 'Fz' 'F2' 'F4' 'F6' 'F8' 'FT8' 'FC6' 'FC4' 'FC2' 'FCz' 'Cz' 'C2' 'C4' 'C6' 'T8' 'TP8' 'CP6' 'CP4' 'CP2' 'P2' 'P4' 'P6' 'P8' 'P10' 'PO8' 'PO4' 'O2' 'A1' 'A2'});

e.g. I prepare a bunch of cut/paste different 'freqrange' and 'topofreq' parameters with the stc_specplot after each one - then I paste it into Matlab to plot an images for each frequency range I care about.


On May 4 2:01 PM, smitbeth at ohsu.edu wrote: 

> Hello,
> I'm looking for some help. I am having trouble adjusting the plot limits 
> for plotting a scalp map in the STUDY, plot channel measures, set parameters 
> for plotting ERPs GUI. I can specify plot limits in uV (min max) for 
> plotting ERPs and it works, but as soon as I specify to plot a scalp 
> map at a specified latency then the scalp map gets plotted but the plot 
> limit is default instead of what I have specified. I want to be able 
> to plot scalp maps at multiple latencies with the same scale instead 
> of having it change with every map. I've tried looking through pop_erpparams.m 
> and std_erpplot.m, but can't figure out a solution.  Thank you, Beth
> Beth A. Smith, PT, DPT, PhD
> Postdoctoral Fellow
> OHSU Balance Disorders Lab
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