[Eeglablist] baseline correction of cluster ERP in STUDY

C Kalfaoglu c.kalfaoglu at sheffield.ac.uk
Thu May 24 09:12:50 PDT 2012

Hi all,

I am sorry for repeating an already asked question (the subject of this 
email is copied from a thread in the eeglab archive), but the answer 
doesn't seem to be very clear to me.

I've created a study using the whole epoch length as the baseline for 
ERP and ERSP (i.e. from 1000*ALLEEG(1).xmin to 1000*ALLEEG(1).xmax).

Now I would like to change the basline period.
Changing the baseline period for ERSP seems straight forward through:

std_precomp( ... ,
     'erspparams',{... ,'baseline', [1000*ALLEEG(1).xmin -200], ... },
I am assuming the baseline specified here will only affect the ERSP and 
ITC measures.

However, similar options in 'erpparams' or 'std_erp' don't seem to exist 
for changing the erp baseline?

So my question is: Is there a way to change the ERP baseline within the 
STUDY structure, or do I have to re-epoch all my datasets separately 
outside the STUDY, and create a new STUDY with different baseline periods?

Thank you,

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